Take Care Of Yourself! Ways To Prioritise Self Care In Crazy Times.
Stress is inevitable these days, but there are ways to combat it and adapt to the changes we are facing. These are a few of them.
It’s a term that’s being thrown about a lot these days — self-care. But what is it and why is everyone talking about it? Simply put, it’s engaging in an activity that subsequently helps to better our mental, emotional, and physical health.
Self-care means different things to different people. What works for you may not work as well for another person. It’s good to figure out your personal self-care needs so you can engage with what you enjoy and prioritise what matters to you most.
Here are some ideas for you to kickstart your very own self-care routine.
Work It Out

Everyone needs a serotonin boost — it’s science! Group workouts are not safe right now but you can still work up a sweat in a controlled environment. Many gyms are adapting to the pandemic by offering video classes that you can enjoy from home. There are also many free resources available on YouTube with similar content. Whether you enjoy dance, yoga, aerobics, kickboxing or something else, you’ll be sure to find something online to fit out your health goals.
Be Mindful

Now that your body is engaged, don’t forget about your mind, too. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so practicing mindfulness helps. It’s all about cultivating a compassionate awareness towards yourself in moments of stress or hardship. It helps you to remain calm and centred regardless of what you may be facing. Meditation is one way to incorporate mindfulness into your life, and there are many apps that you can use to learn how to meditate.
Have Fun!

Think about what is fun for you. It could be trying out a new recipe, playing an instrument, or something as new-age as filming TikTok videos. It could even be channeling your own Marie Kondo and decluttering your space. It’s all about what sparks joy for you! All done safely, of course. It’s good to decompress and forget reality for a bit. Living through a pandemic is serious, but keeping things light and fun at times can help us cope better.
Social Detox

Headline fatigue is real. We are faced with a seemingly inescapable barrage of news every day, and most of it has to do with the pandemic. It’s perfectly okay to stay updated but do remember that if it all gets too much, it’s time to tune out. Watch good news and follow accounts that share such content as well. Some phones have a feature where you can monitor your daily and weekly screen time to see what apps you engage with most.
These are just some of the self-care ideas you can incorporate into your daily routine. There are many other things you can do as well, and you can learn along the way for what works best.
How do you practice self-care in your daily life? Tell us all about it!